August 26, 2009

Ode to Thirsty Cat

He has asthma, he snores, he takes many pills to keep him well, the vet knows him very well, he claws my furniture, he "cheows" incessantly when he wants something, he nuzzles me with his wittle head, he beats up my other kitties, he sleeps on the top of a couch cushion making a divot where he has been, he eats almost anything but lately has been licking ants off our floor, he wants in and he wants out and he wants in and he wants out again and again and again.....
He is my baby boy.
And I love him so.



Kelly said...

That is one stoic-looking cat! LOL

-rullfy (I feel kinda rullfy today, dontchaknow?)

Jessa said...

Aw. Firsty Cat. Cheow back atchya baby.