June 22, 2009

Beachy Goodness!

Just a few of the best beachy pictures from our trip to Emerald Isle with some good friends:

Eli, our friend's beautiful little man....

An egret in action....

A beautiful mermaid named Griffin...... created by me and my husband.

Storm clouds as I've never seen...... well, I think I was in the laundry room by this time. You know, taking cover. But everyone else was standing on the front deck enjoying the show. Not I.

My husband then proceeded to go after the storm to take some beautiful photos. Hmmm. Good job! Again, not I.

Can you see the tiny crab? It was smaller than my big toe!

Oh, my Jessa. I miss ya'll already!

Bye Bye!

1 comment:

Jessa said...


Fabulous post to which I will return often. Come to Denver!