September 29, 2009

Reality of impending flight....

I'm officially official!
Marc and I both received our passports yesterday on the day of our seven year anniversary!

BUT now I'm a bit more scared!  ;)
The long flight seems a little more real now that we have our passports.....

I'm just going to keep chanting:

We're going to get our daughter, our daughter, our daughter, our daughter.......
AND I may need some pills.


Rhonda said...

Woo hoo! One more thing to check off your list.

I might have missed it, but do you know when you're travelling?

Eric said...

Flying is sort of miserable, but not nearly as scary as you might think. And on the way there you'll be too excited, and on the way back too busy, to notice.

Jessa said...

Fabulous! Go get 'er!

Love the spooky blog layout!