July 26, 2010

Panda Schmanda....

We're sending Caroline a package!

This time, 
it's a very personal package.

We are finally
ourselves to her.

I found the cutest book at Hallmark.
It's a storybook wherein you record your own voice reading the story.
We took turns reading the pages.

Very sweet.

We are going to put our picture in the front of the book, 
so she can see our faces,
and hear our voices
when she turns the pages.
I am also going to hold a stuffed animal in the picture, 
and that will be sent to her, too.

The stuffed animal.
I was going to send a panda.
I bought the cutest little panda for her
awhile back.

But then I started thinking.

She already has a panda from us.
When we sent our first package,
a panda was included.

I didn't personally pick out that panda.
But still,
I didn't want to send her ANOTHER one.


So off I went to a lovely gift-store downtown.
I was on my lunch-break so I didn't have much time.
Around and around the WebKins table I went,
at least twenty times.

Pick up, put down.

I had a minor panic attack for a moment 
because I have NO idea what she likes.

Does she like blue?
Does she like frogs?
Are poodles and kitties too girly?
Is the blue hippo too babyish?

I finally settled on two kitties...
and then I looked up.
There on a top shelf were evidently new arrivals.

And then I saw it.
The cutest, sweetest, most sincere face I have ever seen on a stuffed animal.
That was the one.

THE One.

I bought it.
Along with the two kitties....


When I got home, and took "The One" out of the bag...
I realized....

It is a PANDA!
It never crossed my mind exactly what it was...
it was just cute.
Maybe subconsciously I thought it was a raccoon?

Doesn't it look a bit raccoon-ish?

Oh well.
Doesn't matter.

 It's just right.
Godspeed little Panda.
Give Caroline all our love.


Kolby and Kalebs Mom said...

HEY! That book looks awfully familiar!!! lol! I know she is going to love it ALL! YEAH!

Jessa said...

It looks like that super zen red raccoon from Kung Fu PANDA - GAH! Pandas again!