July 12, 2010


Lordy girl, 

Where you been at? ;)

I've been working SO hard...

to get ...

my GlassPie store...

OPEN for business!  


Jessa said...

Love the photos! Love the pieces! Love the shop! Love you!!!

Jessa said...

Not being critical - but "something" is misspelled in the last paragraph of your shop announcement.

I misspelled a word "grafty" instead of "crafty" and Kelly noticed it but waited until I had said something smart assy to her before she mentioned it. Punk.

Jodhi said...

Jessa.... dom't yue now whut spomthing meens? Geaesh!

Jodhi said...

Seriously, I thought you meant that something was mispelled, but you weren't going to tell me what it was. I had to FIND it...... myself! But then I realized..... doh! :) Proofreading is much appreciated!

mispell mispel Mis Spell misspel misspell... AH HA!