May 30, 2010

Ode to Sickness...

For the second time in two months,
I've had a cold.

How can such a small nose create so much mucous? Eww.

Why is it that whenever I'm sick, the only medicines in the house are expired?  Like in '08 for goodness sakes!

Why is it that 99.0% of the population can take NyQuil and go to sleep.... but I am like a yippy-wired- hair- terrier- dog who has snorted an entire five pound bag of sugar, and has it's eye's on high-beam, wide open so that sleep, sweet dreamy sleep, can't come within a mile radius of its being.

Why is it that when you can't sleep, the bed feels like your tossing and turning on brick pavers, but when you wake up from a good sleep you don't want to get out of bed because it's as though your sleeping on air?

Summertime colds bite.

Saturday morning I woke up with a song in my head.  Now, this is not an unusual occurrence.
However, the song that was winding it's way through my foggy, sleep deprived, medicinally altered brain was c.r.a.z.y!  Don't know where it came from, but... wow.  Are you ready?

To the tune of M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E..... Mickey mouse.... Mickey mouse.... da dat da dat da dat da dat dat dat!  (I don't know that last part....) But instead of Micky mouse... it was, and I kid you not...

S-I-C-K-E-Y  H-O-U-S-E!  Sickey house..... sickey house.... da dat da dat da dat da dat dat dat!  Oy.
Now it's stuck in my head again!!!  Oh, I'll be singing that all day if I don't find something else.... uh lets see here.....

Random favorite song from the '80s...

Wow. That video makes no sense to me at all.

This loopy post brought to you by: Tylenol Cold.

May 27, 2010

Pilates Update....

Twenty days have past since my intention...

20 times 1 time a day = 20


the velocity of the reformer 


the length of the straps.....


the kitty fur tumble-weeds causing 


of the air molecules surrounding my newly formed muscles

along with

the cardio~board


two minutes to my longest time of five minutes


sixteen days that I didn't do A THANG... 


Only four times of my intended everyday, twenty days later.

Get it?  Got it?  Good.

So, I'll try again, only every Other day this time.  Really.

May 26, 2010

~Wonky Wednesday~

Fun Foodie Follies!

Wonky Popcorn...
It's a little afro-dizzy-ack.

Wonky Lemonade...
Pokey-dotted ice cubes, anyone?

Wonky Icecream Sundae...
leaky base?



May 19, 2010

A prayer request....

One of my favorite bloggers
a steady stream of prayers at the moment...

She is having surgery.... 
and we are all holding our breaths.

I love nienie.

Wonky Wednesday

Trying to make a white dove...

A funny thing happened...

It's a bit of a gull shape, isn't it?


May 14, 2010

Love is...

Cute. Ness.

Her name...

Awhile back, I asked our adoption case manager how to pronounce "Yue Cong" because I was sure the way I had been accustomed to saying it was good-ol'-southern-belle-wrong...

Yep.  It was wrong.  So now, I keep saying it like...  Ewe Kong.  :) 
(now make that Ewe nice and long, and the "o" in Kong nice and round.)

So to refresh my memory and to help out anyone who has heard me pronounce it just plain wrong....  

Her name is pronounced...  Yeeway (said quickly with no pause in between) Tsong.  Beautiful.  Much better than EWE KONG.

Yeeway Tsong....
Yeeway Tsong....
Yeeway Tsong....

Oh, I hope I don't mess this up!  :)

May 13, 2010

~Unexpected Delivery~

We had a birthday cake delivered to our little Caroline for her birthday, not knowing if she would receive it or not.  Yesterday, however, I received an awesome surprise!  SIX pictures of my girl eating her birthday cake!  SIX new pictures on her SIXTH birthday! 

And you know it's the most unusual thing.... I feel as though I know her, like I've known her forever.  She's familiar to me,  something about her face....her hands....

Oh, and I want to share them with everyone!!!  (But I can't.... not yet because of confidentiality agreements.)
But here's a peek at her cake..... 

See her hand? Eeeeheheheeee!

They even have COKE!!!

 She's missing her top two front teeth, and her hair has been cut off... which was a bit of a clue (it's so cute, though!  Very black and shiny!).  We knew she had been living with a foster family for some time now, but sometimes the children are sent back to the orphanage while they wait to be adopted.  And most of the children in the orphanage have short hair, I assume for easier up-keep.  Sure enough, when I inquired further, she has been moved back to the orphanage.  I don't know how I feel about this.  I'm excited because this means IT'S REALLY HAPPENING!  I'm sad because I hate the thought of taking her away from the only family she has known...

We're coming Caroline!!!  Hold on, and be safe!  I will travel the world for you!   

May 12, 2010

Wonky Wednesday

 A sheepish bead...

That seems a little odd...

I just can't put my finger on it...

So what do you think?

What does Sheep-y Bead need?
a fluffy white noggin top...
a longer nose...
less googly eyes...
all of the above...
none of the above...
to be put out of his misery...

 free polls

May 10, 2010


A little before Easter, I had a dream.
It was strange to say the least.  

I was in my church's old fellowship hall when a spider....
a white, shiny, patent spider with "Clinique" on her back walked by me. Her long, spindly legs 
scurried across the floor right past me and up the wall into the kitchen.  

I tried to kill her.... chasing her, and eventually we ended up in my Bmama's yard.
I pressed and pushed on the big spider, but I couldn't smoosh her because she was so hard.  
Somehow, I finally ended up burying her.

What in the world was that about?  
It was quite disturbing, and I couldn't figure out where that had come from.

I thought perhaps the white patent part was because of white patent shoes that little girls wear at Easter.... 

sitting at work the other day,
it hit me.

My little desk mirror....   
So that's where that came from!!!  Weird.

May 7, 2010


In honor of Caroline's birthday....

I made fortune cookies.
Instead of fortunes for us.... I inserted prayers for Caroline. 

Prayers for her safety...
             for her understanding...
             for her care...
             for her heart....

The cookies were AWESOME by-the-way!
(and pretty easy, although I did burn my fingers quite a bit!)

here's the recipe...
Good Fortune Cookies

Aren't we fortunate?  :)

May 6, 2010

Use it or lose it...

Everytime I write the word "lose" it reminds me of ALL my high school boyfriends, (with the exception of Jeremy *see comments,) who wrote, "I don't want to loose you" in silly high school love notes.  LOVED that!

I digress...

I bought a lovely Pilates Reformer WAY back in January of 2009. 

You guessed it.... from QVC.
AND I bet I've used it .....
well...not so much. 
Not as much as the lady selling it on QVC.  She looked awesome! 
Me?  Well, after a winter full of gingerbread cookies and pie....  Eh.  I could use some work.

HOWEVER....  the beach (and therefore the bikini) beckons exactly a month from today.
My plan is to use this


for the next month to see....

Does it work? 
Will it help make me...
more flexible...
smarter.... er..No.

No help there.

We'll see. 
I'll keep you posted every week.
I may even post before and after pictures.
(But only if they're flattering.... or.. er..flattening.)

"I don't want to loose my readers."  ;)

OR else....
I'll just sell it on Craig's list.


Well, I did Pilates last night for the first time in FOREVER.....

and I would compare my upper body strength to that of a 3 day old kitten.... (awww, kittens!)

~~ MEoW!~

May 5, 2010

~Wonky~ Wednesday!

Learning process = wonkiness! 

Laugh with me on Wonky Wednesdays!
(not at me...well.... I guess that's allowed too.)

I have a designated jar for all of my beads-gone-wrong,
it's filling up fast!

The beads with eyes are my favorite! 
They tickle me...

But I must say I feel kinda sorry for this little guy... 
He was my second attempt at a frog...

He looks a little..... melty.
(AAH, I'm melting, MELTING!  What a world, what-a-world!)
(sorry...Wizard of OZ popped in my head.)

My first attempt was actually a lot better...

However, his wittle toes popped off.
I was warned about that from my teacher. 
Hmmm, lesson learned. 

Y'all quit makin' fun of melty!