November 19, 2009

"I really like birds."


You know.
I won?  Really?  Wow. 

Hasn't really sunk in yet, I've got to tell ya.

This is my ... oh my gosh oh my goodness I just won ... face!

a big colorful ribbon
(which I have coveted for six years!)

Lot's of people...
well wishers, many questions, and more!


TV interviews... (uh oh.)
What did I say?  
I can't remember. 

Newspaper interviews 
complete with hand gestures...
and then the quotation in the next day's paper saying,
"I really like birds."
Um.  I'm sure I said more than that.  Wasn't that taken out of context?  huh.

Here's a story that I know I told the newspaper interviewers...

The "house" had to be delivered to the ballroom by 8:30 Monday morning.
I was getting dressed while Marc went downstairs at 7:30 to get a cart for the transport mission.
By 8:00 I was getting a little antsy.  Then it hit me!
I will write "My Love" on the envelope!  It will look so wonderful!

(even though I worked for HOURS trying to add the perfect inscription days beforehand.)

So I quickly whipped out my edible paints and took to adding the final touch to my gingerbread.



Uh.  Well.
No! No! nononono!

Oh dear, where's my lemon extract so I can take that off!
smudge smudge smudge.

paint paint pat pat pat dust dust dust brush blow phew!!!

Don't ever do that again!
And then Marc arrived with the cart at 8:15.

But I still can't believe it...

And all because of two little turtle doves.
I really like birds.

Marc is working on a video of it all...
and I'm hiding under the bed.  
Just until it blows over.
But I'm smiling all the while.

November 14, 2009

Am I finished yet?

Ok.  I'm tired, and it's not finished yet; But I know you want to see...... don't you?
Have to show my pears first...

Love how they turned out.

Here goes...

Ta daaa!

Night night.

November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend Recap...

Marc was just dying to get my niece and nephew up to our house
to make Jack-O-Lanterns...

They were so cute!
This was Laney's:

and this was Charlie's:

Great job, guys!!!

So anyway, it's hard to stay in the Gingerbread spirit
when there are other spirits roaming around, but now that
Halloween is over....
It's back to work.

And I'm soooooo behind.
Please let there be no catastrophes like last year!!!

But I'm a little worried because of this:

What is that you ask?

Well aside from kitchy,
This was a gift from Marc's grandfather a few years back. (I love it!)

When the little lady is out...
the weather is nice and clear.

When the little man is out...
the weather is generally rainy or humid.
And he's been out all weekend.

Oh, humidity sucks for making gingerbread!!!


Thankfully those pieces will not be needed.
I don't know... I'm flyin' by the seat of my pants.

So anyway, I think I have things under control at the moment...

that is except for the microscopic gingerbread dust that is now ground into the rug...
(Marc insisted upon sanding my gingerbread pieces...heh)


also, except for my hair...

Yep, that's a paintbrush and a pin curl clip.
Man, everything just goes to pot when I get engrossed in a project.
Ewww girl, go wash yo hair.

So I can't end the post after that nasty picture
I'll leave you with two more:

Thirsty taking a nap under a blanket:

and a little gingerbread house cuteness...
