Being that it's almost my birthday, I thought I'd post a few pictures of my first birthday. My favorite part about these are the look on my dad's face! Enjoy, I know I did!
Yep. That's pretty much how fast 2008 went for me!
However I have such hopes for 2009.
I hope to get in shape. I've heard my nephew say "You're always tired" too many times. He's right. I want to feel good in my own skin. I want to feel balanced, strong, and energetic.
I hope to pay off more debt and save more money. It seems that it's always something in our financial life, but I can do better.
I hope to have children this year. No pressure or anything. My grandmother who also lost her baby girl while six months pregnant, finally had my mom when she was 32. In a few weeks I'll be 32. After I lost Anna Grace in June of 2006, some people told me that in two or three years, I would have another child. I didn't want to wait three years. I remember thinking that I couldn't possible live three more years without a baby in my arms, and yet here it is almost three years.
Most of all,
I hope to live in the present. Time seems to be flying by, and I know that it's made worse by my tendency to live for the future.... to forget about where I am now, and what I can do NOW. When I was younger, I would dream of my prom night (not so great), then I dreamt of my wedding day (flew by) then I dreamt of having a child. I'm not sure that I dream of anything right now, but I feel that I'm waiting on something to fill this emptiness within me. It's unfair of me to ask my child (when I do have a child) to fill me up. It's important that I become who I can be physically, mentally, and emotionally for the benefit of myself, my family, and my future......... but most of all for the here and now.
To 2009!
Happy 2009 everyone! I hope all your dreams come true!