LOOK! Me in a dress! Well.... not really, it's a skirt, but STILL!

I don't know why my Easter outfits always have to be black...

Marc and I colored easter eggs with Laney and Charlie. (my niece and nephew.)

My sister's birthday was last week. We took some fun pictures with Bmama. (my 88 year "
old" grandmother)

(notice my sister putting devil ears on Bmama.... as if!)

And I taught Laney how to make bunny ears. (She's four...and it took a lot longer than I would have thought!)

And..... most of all.... I've been avoiding doing anything, even blogging because I've had this hanging over my head.

Yes, that's right. That is about .... oh, I'd say six to seven loads of clean clothes. I have been
putting off putting up the clothes for
almost three weeks now.
You know, I really don't mind doing laundry. I love the smell of Tide....and of fabric softeners, and fabric sheets. I like to clean out the lint trap on the dryer. AAACK!
Dusty! I even fold the clothes straight out of the dryer. The freshly cleaned clothes, neatly folded in the laundry baskets, even make it up three flights of stairs to our bedroom.........
but I HATE..... I repeat....
LOATHE to put the clothes up.
I don't know why, I just do. It's not that bad once I get started. I think it has something to do with the actual process that I make myself go through. You see, I must make the bed and then sort the clothes into separate piles depending on where they go. (underwear piles, sock piles, hanging clothes piles, and so on and so forth....) It's enough to make anyone MAD. And I can't just put up one basket. NO. I must wait until all of the laundry is clean before I make my epic journey to put it up.
finally..... after putting this off for two weekends, tonight ....... I put up the laundry.

(ALAS!) But then I realized that there is still a load in the washer and also one in the dryer. Hmmmmmm. Maybe I can wait until next week to put those up.