December 30, 2008

Christmas time was here....... happiness and cheer!!!

What a wonderful Christmas!!!

Our Christmas morning was a beautiful sight:

and then we saw something on the way to my sister's house that I've never seen before:
A Fog bow! It does exist! Really, 'cause I looked it up! :)

Evidently my niece wrote the gift tags for my sister. (um well, I guess she did. I hope she did.)
Isn't that CUTE!!!

and here's a picture of my nephew and niece: Cute Cute Cute!

and what's up with the flat screen light bright! I was given a light bright for Christmas back in the day, but mine was honkin' big compared to this thing. However, I liked playing with it as much this time as I did last time. Which is to say .... not really at all.

And here are the many faces of me at Christmas time:

Oh yea! My husband's mom and dad gave me the best Soundspa alarm clock with a projector and thermometer and this thing which tells time!

all dressed up in my new coat and scarf! Yummy!

awwww, this baby doll was so cute until she blinked her eyes at me and moved her head in an exorcist way. yikes. Make her go to sleep! Thanks!

My dear husband wrapped up a present from my Thirsty cat. It even had a wad of cat hair in the tape. Nice touch, darling! It was a sticky roller! Nice. Thanks El Gatos!

my husbands wonderful grandfather got all the girls jewelry for Christmas. Here we all are oooohing over our goods.

My husband and his brother having a grand ol' time! Hood style. Get it? aw. (They're wearing the hoodies their grandfather gave them for Christmas) Is is lame that I have to explain everything? Sorry!

Lovin' my new "bedrooms." Thanks Aunt Susie!

Don't I just look filled with the Christmas spirit here? Wonder what I was talking about to my husband's paternal grandmother? She's so cute!

and a whole new meaning for red eye, er, orange M&M eye!
Here I'm saying "and this is how much chocolate I'll eat in the new year!" hmmm. Well, considering I've already eaten two fun size packs of peanut M&M's tonight and bought two bags of those delectable cherry Hershey Kisses today, and also not to forget the bag of mint M&M's because they were 50% off due to the fact they still were wearing their Christmas colors. Um. what was I saying?

What a mess. Not to worry. We left it for my Bmama (my grandmother, that is) to clean up because you know..... it was her birthday too! Doesn't the birthday girl who turns a wonderful and magical 89 years old 'er young on Christmas day (of all days) get to clean up the mess? (ya'll we didn't really leave the mess for her!)

Happy Birthday Bmama!

So "God bless us every one" and "to all a good night" "painted ribbons" and frosty britches and all that stuff. (I should tell you all about how I mix up words in Christmas carols sometime!)

by-the-way, Jessa. Give a girl some freakin' notice! I fell off my chair at the bank today because of your little "four" news! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding (no pun intended) but I was looking at your blog last week and looking at your wonderful Eli pictures thinking, I wonder if Eli will ever have siblings? Yay Siblings for ELI! I'm so happy for you all!

December 24, 2008

Christmas Time is Here

Jodie has done it again. No matter where we have lived Jodie has always made it feel like home and Christmas really is her time to shine, literally. Her creative touch and ability to make something beautiful from almost nothing will never cease to amaze me. Here are a few photos from our deep woods hide-a-way all decorated for the holidays...

November 30, 2008

In the last few hours of November 2008.

Finally an Update.

Upon returning home from the exciting Top Ten Gingerbread experience (yay!)....... we found this:

Apparently the kitties were hungry (even though we had someone check on them the night before.) The food stays on top of the refrigerator, and I'm sure the kitty shown here was the culprit in the great food retrieval. Maybe next time we go out of town we should just pour the food on the floor to begin with. Poor hungry (ahem....greedy) kitties! :)

And then there was a box on the doorstep. A very big box. What did I order that was so huge-a-normous?
Let's see....

Three smaller boxes inside the big box.

Ah, yes.
My Bath and Body Works pumpkins that were on a wonderfully irresistible sale have arrived! (In time for Christmas, ah well.)
And they've brought much packaging with them. Wow. Who would've guessed it would take so much trash to bring me three pumpkins. Three small pumpkins. Sorry dear Earth. I needed my pumpkins, I guess. :)

They're very pretty, though.

And here my pumpkins are displayed along with the beautiful flowers my husband sent to me at work, last week. Awww, isn't he sweet? He just wanted me to know how proud he was of me. Well, thanks Honey! You're so sweet, and thoughtful!



and pretty.

But the pumpkins couldn't stay up long! Christmas decorating has officially started at our house. Is it really already that time?

Well....... at least I have 24 days to get everything decorated. But for now, I'll take a nap along with the cats. (all three of which can be found in this picture. Look closely!)

Happy decorating!

November 17, 2008

Top Ten!

I'm so excited! After five tries I finally made it into the top ten! The judges were very kind to give me some critiques, and at least one of the judges thought that I should have won! So, I'm very happy albeit tired. Top ten is such an honor! But next year.............

hahahahaaaahahaa! I'm already thinking of ideas. Well, maybe I'll wait until I have a nap!

Sorry about the absence of pictures, but Marc's cameras all ran out of battery power!

We are going to order a dessert from room service now, and the only decision left to make is whether to have the peanut butter sundae or the three layer chocolate fudge cake!

Love to all!


(I miss your being here, Jessa! Asheville isn't the same without you!)

Tension Mounts

Jodie and I successfully navigated the winding corridors of the Inn to deliver her entry this morning. The competition is tough but she's been getting a lot of attention from the judges. In fact, two gathered close at one point and actually cut a piece off and ate it. So it can not be said they are being anything other than thorough. Here's a few shots from the heart of the action...

Morning at the Grove Park Inn

brings a few finishing touches

to garner the eye of the judges

in a field full of competition!

November 16, 2008

We made it!

The trip up the mountain wasn't easy, for that matter the trip out the front door and to the car wasn't a walk in the park either. None the less, Jodie and the gingerbread house are now resting comfortably at the exquisite Grove Park Inn. With some last minute finishing touches, she has declared this years entry finished at last. Here are a few photos!

The view is rather nice...

But Jodie is the real star!

Now all we can do is wait. One more move over to the exhibit hall and it will be in the hands of the judges.

November 15, 2008

Countdown to Competition!

Right now Jodie is covered in royal icing and moving with determination. The Grove Park Inn Gingerbread Competition will be held this Monday so time is definitely running out. The good news is that Jodie has put together an amazing entry this year. Her attention to detail and skill with confectionary has never shone so bright. As I have been asked to be her surrogate blogger today, I put together a video of the process so far. Enjoy...

November 10, 2008

and try, try again.....

So. A recap of the past three weeks or so.

House failure.

Complete house failure.

Oh yes.... and nest failure.

That's ok..... an old trusty recipe to the rescue. Humidity proof.

A "branch" experiment. (Bad.... couldn't remove toothpicks!)

Branch success...sort of....

But this is just a few of the branches that I broke in the process before realizing...

I don't think this is the look I'm going for. Back to square one on the branches.

So this is my house...... minus a lot of detail still left to add on.

needing a red roof among other things... BUT

This is what is so scary to me...... the pedestal that the house is supposed to sit on.
This is what caused house failure last time. But I'm very optimistic. Hopefully.

Sweet birdies that need to be painted...

And a peek inside at the eggs that hopefully will not be crushed in anymore house failures.

Because you know....... I'm running out of time, and patience. It's coming together or bust. Think happy thoughts of strong, bust-proof gingerbread!!!! The competition is less than a week away. eEEeeyyy! :)

It'll be okay, won't it? But then, of course, there is the hour long drive up a winding mountain to get there. oy.